Today me and Theo went to Roehampton to check out the possible locations for filming our music video. We thought of the estate in Roehampton because it sets the right mood for the music video genre and has some interesting filming locations we can use. Here are the following possible locations where we can film ...
We thought that we could film from various p.o.v. one of which was to film from the 2nd floor. At this point the camera would be filming the location and establishing the setting which is the estate. Then it would be looking down on Matt from the 2nd floor down on him. We also thought about standing Matt under an 11 level high block and lying on the ground with the camera to shoot from the bottom upwards in order to grasp the tall building behind him. This is a very typical thing for rappers to do and we want to include this in our music video too.
We also visited the youth club. Unfortunately it was closed at the time we were there but the basketball court was open so I took a shot of it. We thought that for casting possible 'actors' for out music video, we would use Theo's friends from the youth club and he would organize a group of teenage boys who would play basketball. We would then film this and include this in our music video. At the start we were going to film children playing at a playground but we found that we may be having problems with their parents not giving consent for this so this idea with teenagers would work perfectly too.